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Road Trip

5 Unbeatable UK Road Trips

5 Unbeatable UK Road Trips

If someone uttered the words ‘road trip’, you could be forgiven for automatically thinking of America’s Route 66, or Australia’s East coast. However, we shouldn’t forget the amazing offerings on…

Interested in Road Trip?

Road trip; the very expression trip conjures up images of winding down your window, playing the stereo loudly and letting the air whistle through your hair – well, what’s left of it anyway.

Route 66

While Catcher in the Rye might have passed us by, we still can get our kicks travelling along at least part of the greatest road trip of them all – Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica, California. It might no longer officially be an interstate highway – it’s called Historic Route 66 – but driving the length of it certainly provides you with a slice of American history.

Road Trip California

Possibly a more scenic route is to hug Highway 1 along the Pacific through California. This most beautiful of drives through the Big Sur towards San Francisco is a highlight of any trip to the States.

Road Trip Planner

Whichever route you take, and whether you decide to drive it alone or with a travel operator, be sure to make sure that your SatNav is fully functioning. Why not buy yourself a paper map just in case you lose coverage – you might even prefer using it.