Travel Begins at 40 has entered into a partnership with Water-to-Go to further reduce its carbon footprint. The announcement is the latest in a series of initiatives designed at making the website more climate-friendly.
Last month, Mark Bibby Jackson, founder of Travel Begins at 40, announced the travel website had partnered with Climeworks and Trees4Travel to offset its carbon footprint in its pledge to become climate neutral. Earlier this month Travel Begins at 40 joined the SUNx Malta’s Climate-Friendly Travel Register as well as signing the Glasgow Declaration.
“Water-to-Go is pleased to be sponsoring Mark on his travels for TravelBeginsat40, to help him stay safely hydrated and single-use plastic free wherever he is in the world,” says Dave Shanks, Founder and CEO of Water-to-Go.
The company uses NASA technology to remove 99.9999% of all microbiological contaminants from any non-saltwater source.

“I have been impressed by Water-to-Go for a number of years now,” said Bibby Jackson. “Often on my travels I am gifted a water bottle, but it tends to stand on my bookshelf once I return home. The Water-to-Go provides me with safe water wherever I travel, and all I have to do is replace the filter occasionally.”
Shanks believes that now is a turning point for the whole travel sector.
“Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Water-to-Go with our water filter bottles, so we were only too happy to support one of our partners on his climate-friendly endeavours,” he says. “Now more than ever, it is essential that we all do our bit for the planet and aim to be climate neutral. Our values align with this mission and together we hope to make a difference and encourage others to do the same.
“Travelling is an amazing experience where we learn more about our world and the people in it, but it is important to do this as sustainably as possible; reduce our carbon footprint and minimise our impact on the planet. By using a Water-to-Go bottle, this goes some way to helping Mark achieve this and show others how to be a truly responsible traveller.”
Bibby Jackson, who will first use his water bottle on his forthcoming trip to Mexico, hopes to announce further partnerships over the forthcoming months.