Coinciding with the latest easing of lockdown in the UK capital, lifestyle website London Begins at 40 was launched on 17 May by Mark Bibby Jackson and Joe Ogden.
A lifestyle and travel website aimed at the over 40 Londoner and visitor to London, the sister of Travel Begins at 40 is a timely reminding of all the wonderful things there are to do in London.
“The pandemic has allowed all of us the opportunity to reflect upon what is really important, to reappraise some of our life choices, and to decide how we wish to frame the future,” says Mark Bibby Jackson, group editor of London Begins at 40 and Travel Begins at 40, in explaining the timing of the launch.
Back to the Future
Bibby Jackson says that the new website will, “promote the vibrancy of this most amazing capital, as well as to promote a sustainable future.”
However, the new website is not solely looking forward, for Bibby Jackson believes much of the attraction of the city lies in its rich heritage.
“London Begins at 40 is a retro magazine that is looking back to the future of the capital,” he says.
What’s On Guide to London

The website will include information on the latest openings, events, exhibitions, plays, film releases and gigs, and previews of what’s happening in London.
It is aimed both for Londoners and those visiting the UK capital.
“So whether you live in London or are just planning a day-trip to the capital, London Begins at 40 can inspire you with ideas on things to do about town,” he says.
London Voices
Above all else, Bibby Jackson wants London Begins at 40 to be about the people who live in London, whose stories he wants to share with visitors to the website.
“We want you to express what you love about living in the most amazing metropolis on the planet, which is why we have started our London Voices series by an interview with George McGeorge, a normal Londoner who enjoys living London life to the full,” he says.
“If the past year has taught us nothing else then it is to live our lives to the full – after all we never know what is awaiting us around the corner. In the words of David Hockney, whose The Arrival of Spring exhibition opens at the Royal Academy just as we launch our website, we should “love life”. Well, let’s love London too.”