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Fresh Fest Cleveland 2024, Ohio

Fresh Fest Cleveland

Fresh Fest Cleveland is a unique festival that celebrates the arts and urban agriculture held in Rid-All Farm and Otter Park on 14 September.

It promotes health and wellness while showcasing fresh and local food, breaking down barriers and promoting cultural unity.

It is held in one of the largest urban farms in Cleveland, as well as repurposed land in the Kinsman neighbourhood of the city.

Fresh Fest Cleveland 2024

In addition to the amazing line up of live performances (see below), this year’s festival will include art installations, a farmer’s market, health and wellness activities, workshops and a kid’s zone. There will also be chef tastings as well as a range of local vendors.

Fresh Fest Cleveland 2024 LineUp

Performing at this year’s festival will be: Big Daddy Kane, Charity Evonna, Grand, Zell, Floco Torres and Jinari Kmet. Discover more about the wonderful music scene in Cleveland at : Cleveland Ohio : A Musical City with an Industrial Heart.

Fresh Fest Cleveland 2024 LineUp

Where Is It?

The festival will take place in The Urban Agriculture Innovation Zone at Rid-All Farm and Otter Park, Cleveland, Ohio.

When Is It?

It is held on Saturday 9 September, 2023 from 1pm to 9pm.

Tickets for the Festival

The festival is free and you can get your tickets here.

Other Festivals in Cleveland

If you are spending any time in town you might like to try the Cleveland Garlic Festival which is held towards the end of August each year.

Things To Do in Cleveland Ohio

If you want to discover what to do in Cleveland, situated on the south shore of Lake Erie, go to:

Main image courtesy of This Is Cleveland.

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