Mike East


Mike East

Mike began his career in travel writing by writing his own guide on his holidays. He sent this manuscript off to a range of travel guide companies and got a range of rejection letters — all except one. Getting a contract to write for Roger Lascelles Publications on Trinidad and Tobago, and The Bahamas was how his career began. With this opportunity came other pieces for British magazines, The Sunday Telegraph and now Travel Begins at 40.
Campeche Mexico: Another Side of Yucatan

Campeche Mexico: Another Side of Yucatan

There is a lot more to the Yucatan Peninsula than overdeveloped resorts, especially for the more adventurous traveller as Mike East discovered when he visited Campeche Mexico…

Surfing Begins at 40

Surfing Begins at 40

Experienced traveller Mike East took up surfing for the first time in his mid-forties. He doesn’t regret it; neither would you…