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Setting New Fitness Goals: A Guide To Pushing Yourself Further


Frequent travelers often set fitness goals for themselves, as this can help them to feel healthy and stay active when they are abroad. Many people set goals for themselves when they start out their fitness journey as this gives them an end result to aim for and focus on. However, once these have been achieved, you might not know where to redirect your energies, and you might quickly lose interest in your fitness. Then, here is a game plan for those travel lovers who have already met their original targets and are looking to stretch themselves to their limits.

Scale Up Your Goals

One of the first steps that you should consider to push yourself further and ensure that you achieve your potential is to scale up the first goals that you set for yourself. Although you might have already met these, and they might have been targeted toward beginners, there is no reason why you cannot simply extend the goalposts a little bit. For instance, you might decide to go from doing 10 push-ups a day to 20. By doing this, you will be able to build on the skills and training that you have already started to develop and simply add to your fitness routine rather than developing an entirely new one.

Speak to a Personal Trainer

Sometimes, it can be hard to set goals for yourself as you are not able to see your fitness objectively. You might feel frustrated with where you are at the moment but be unable to put your finger on what you need to do to push yourself. This is where a personal trainer comes in. Personal trainers can work with you to set individualized targets that will allow you to reach your own overall fitness dreams. Not only this, but they will be able to pick up on and highlight your weak spots, as well as give you all the encouragement you need to meet these goals once they have been set. However, it might take some time to find a personal trainer that you gel with as each have their own different style and working personality. You should also avoid hiring a personal trainer if you want to remain in your comfort zone.

Plan a Fitness Vacation

Although you might believe that vacations are a time to forget all about your fitness journey, forgetting about it altogether can severely knock you back and ensure that you leave the good habits that you have built at home. Instead of abandoning your fitness regimen completely, you should look for ways to plan a vacation about your new fitness goals. For instance, you might decide to go on Northumberland Coast Hikes or cycle in the Black Forest. By doing this, you may find that you are able to give your fitness goals an exciting spin that can make you more likely to meet them. Not only this, but you might be able to try more activities on this fitness vacation that you would not have the chance to try at home, such as windsurfing, which can enable you to burn off calories in a thrilling way.

Get a Buddy on Board

There is no one that can hold you more accountable than a fitness buddy who you are also helping toward their own goals. Rather than going it alone and hoping that you have the bikini body that you desire in time, it is vital that you get a friend on board who is also passionate about fitness. They can quiz you about your goals each week and help you to track your progress. They might even be able to give you tips that can make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Try Extreme Sports

If you want to meet your fitness goals and face up to your fears, you could also try out extreme sports. If there are no extreme sporting centers near you, you might have to try out these sports next time you are abroad. These sports can include paragliding and skydiving. These extreme sports can be a lot of fun for adrenalin junkies while allowing you to achieve goals such as improving upper body strength and your balance. However, you should always look around for a professional training course before you decide to commit to this type of sport, and you should realize just how expensive it can be to enjoy extreme sports on a regular basis due to their niche nature and the amount of health and safety protocols and specialist equipment that is involved.

Author Bio:

Bex Gawne graduated with a degree in English and Creative Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University. With over 10 years in the industry, she is passionate about educating audiences on mental health advocacy. When she is not at work, you will find her with her ragdoll cat and a cup of tea.

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