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Top 10 Travel Tips for an Australian Adventure

Sydney Opera House, Australia, Pixabay

Are you planning a road trip across Australia? Well, before you hit the highways and byways of the Great Southern Land, there are some things you should know about driving in the Sunburnt Country.

In this post, we’ll highlight the top 10 travel trips for an Australian adventure undertaken by car.

If you follow our advice, you will go a long way towards ensuring your jaunt is a seamless journey you’ll remember forever.

  1. Take more than one driver with you

Unless you are planning on doing the trip solo, it is a good idea to take at least one, if not two, other drivers with you to share the load.

That way, you can reduce the risks of tiredness causing accidents and cover more distance.

If you are from overseas, you might want to book lessons with a driving instructor through the EZLicence website to familiarise yourself with Australian road conditions.

Likewise, if you are just in the planning stages of your trip, and one of your party has yet to pass their test, doing this is also a good idea too.

  1. Brush up on your Australian Road Rules

If it’s been a while since you have passed your test, you might want to brush up on your Australian road rules.

They are updated every two years, and if you are visiting areas that are alien conditions to where you live, it will be good to know what various speed limits might apply and what specific road signs mean.

  1. Make sure your vehicle is up to the trip

Before you head off on your trip you should make sure your vehicle is fully roadworthy by getting it serviced.

You’ll want the confidence that your car will be able to handle the rigours of the terrain and conditions of where you are driving too.

  1. Take regular breaks

Whilst on the road, make sure you take regular breaks to avoid driver fatigue.

As a rule, you should swap drivers every two to three hours, and if you are driving on your own you should take a 10- to 15-minute break to mentally refresh.

A good way to ensure you to do this is to plan regular pitstops for toilet breaks, coffee and fresh air.

  1. Plan your route

While the spirit of a true adventure might involve driving on the open road to where your interest takes you, it pays to have a general idea of where you are going.

It is worth planning out overnight stops and securing accommodation to avoid situations where you might have to sleep in your car or be driving late at night when you are tired, looking for an available hotel or glamping site.

You should also use apps like Google Maps and Waze to direct you between destinations. Doing this can save you a lot of the time that would be wasted if you ended up getting lost!

  1. Keep an eye on the weather

When driving in Australia, you should always keep an eye on the weather, especially during the wet season when a storm can suddenly appear from nowhere.

The Bureau of Meteorology is a good resource for keeping up to date with the changing forecast.

  1. Stay Focused

It is important to stay focused at all times when you are driving. While it might be fun singing at the top of your voice, chatting to your mates or simply gazing out at the passing scenery, you should never take your eyes off the road – particularly if it is a bit on the twisty and winding side.

Similarly, you should avoid the temptation to use your mobile phone, especially if you are driving on your own.

  1. Watch out for Wildlife

In some parts of Australia, especially rural areas and the outback, wildlife can be a real issue.

According to this AAMI Collison Report, there are around 19,000 car accidents involving wildlife like kangaroos and wallabies every year.

These accidents are most likely to happen at sunrise and sunset, particularly in areas characterised by dense trees or bushland. So, it pays to be extra vigilant around them if you are driving past them at these times.

  1. Stay Patient

Invariably, when you are driving, you will come up against a slow-moving vehicle. 

In these circumstances it is important to not get too frustrated and try to overtake them when it is not safe to do so. Additionally, you should not tailgate them or beep your horn aggressively at them either.

If you find yourself as the slow driver and someone is doing this to you, try to remain calm and make your way safely to the nearest overtaking lane, where they will be able to pass you more easily.

  1. Prepare for Emergencies

You never know what emergencies you might be faced with during an Australian road trip adventure. Therefore, it pays to be prepared.

Make sure you pack a proper first aid kit that can cover many eventualities from burns and cuts to insect bites and gastroenteritis issues.

You should also take extra supplies of food with you, change of clothes and warm blankets. Additionally, makes sure you have mobile phone and battery chargers and even reserves of petrol if driving through some of the remote areas of the country.

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